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Sonic Riders TE 2.4 Patch Notes


General Changes


  • In the ISO Game Info, Riders Workshop has been changed to Riders Boulevard.

  • Added optimized re-looped music to any applicable tracks.

  • G.U.N Gear is separated from High Booster and now occupies its own slot.

  • Jackle is added to the game as a cosmetic NiGHTS Ex-Load

  • E10Y is added to the game as an Ex-Load to the E10G/B/R slot. He is a middle-weight Fly-type with the Drift archetype.

  • Ex-Loads will no longer say their host character's voice line in the CSS but their own.

  • Updated Ex-Load gear descriptions: Perfect Nazo, Dark Sonic, Hyper Sonic, Weekender, G.U.N Gear.

  • Updated gear descriptions: Gambler, Crazy Taxi, Berserker, Air Tanks, Advantage-P, Super Tails.

  • Updated Trickster archetype description.

  • Air gauge turns purple when Clutch is on.

  • Debug Menu Toggles

    • Music Playlists (TE/TB/OG) *currently True Blue isn't implemented.​

    • Toggle Clutch purple air gauge/icon/off.

General Fixes/Bugs

  • Remove the ability to use D-Pad while being attacked for D-Pad gears (unexpected behaviours/possible crashes could happen due to gear properties).

  • Fix an issue where Cruise Control didn't allow players to land in the proper spot after the Digital Dimension QTE.

  • Fixed a bug where the drifting sound would keep playing if you aired out while holding the drift button.


  • Pit stops grant the player Recipro Extend.



  • Rings collected by a player with Ring Magnet will be respawned in 3 seconds instead of 6.

Air Debt


  • Going into "Air Debt" will now reduce the air you gain from tricks instead of storing negative air.



  • Removed deceleration while in Grind and Fly state.

Attack Range


  • Stacking attack range bonus gears with attack range bonus characters only gives a partial bonus instead of a full bonus. (Ex: Eggman on Berserker is 4.5 range instead of % range.)

  • When AOE attacks are buffed by range, they are only granted a partial bonus instead of a full bonus. (Ex: Sonic's Level 2 on Berserker is 3.5 range instead of 4 range.

Drift Cap Overcharge (DCO)

Developer Comments

This mechanic introduced into 1.4 was meant as a small bonus to drift dashing above your drift cap instead of resulting in no extra speed at all. However, with the optimization done in recent times, this has become a incredibly impactful on gears that can reach over their drift cap easily. The nerf introduced should reduce it's impact by a large factor. The game feel will be less burst heavy as a result of this. Competitive players may feel the change much more on gears like Super Sonic or Hyper Sonic.


  • The bonus speed you got when drift dashing above drift cap is halved. Remember that the calculation is "Current Speed - Drift Cap = New Drift Dash speed".

Magnetic Impulse


  • Sega Carnival's ring-granting trick hoops are boosted by Magnetic Impulse (Max MI = 5 extra rings). This does not apply to ring gears.

  • Sega Carnival's Super Monkey Ball Gate is boosted by Magnetic Impulse (Max MI = 10 extra rings). This does not apply to ring gears.

  • Upon reaching Max MI, the animation where a character cheers when their Tornado connects with an enemy will be played. 

    • This animation does not cancel in cruise, boost, drift, grind or fly state.​

  • Recuded No-Type MI multiplier from 2 -> 1.5​

  • MI distance check doubled from 850 units -> 1700 units (2 cars -> 4 cars)

  • Tornadoes now take 35% MI when using Tornado Ignore.

    • Removed the "High Boosting" rule for how much MI is removed in order to make the amount consistent between high boosting and non-high boosting​


  • New Ability -> Fuelmire

    • Guaranteed Air Boxes give No-Type users 1.3x the air.

    • No-Type MI bonus on air box pickup reduced from 60% -> 30%​​​​

Trickster Archetype


  • When charging jump, they now have a second sound effect that plays whenever you reach your true max jump charge. You will hear two beeps.

  • All gears have the same jump charge rate (Super Hang-On rate) except Legend. Weight has no effect.

  • Afterburner

    • Instead of gaining air, gains 0.5% decel per trick.​

    • Loses 0.5% decel every second.

    • Visual effect added to signify Afterburner is active.

  • Superleap removed entirely.

  • Fixed a bug where Tricksters couldn't complete tricks on bikes.

Drift Archetype

  • When Drift Dashing over Drift Cap (using Drift Cap Overcharge), Drift characters gain double the bonus speed compared to other archetypes.

Boost Archetype

  • Boost archetype softlock has been fixed again. This should solve previous issues where they softlocked in QTEs and during attacks. 

Special Flags

  • Tornado Boost

    • Gears with this special flag no longer set their speed if they drop a Tornado above their Tornado Boost speed. They instead lose no speed while dropping the Tornado.​

    • This applies to Trap Gear, Air Broom, Super Tails, Super Knuckles while boosting.

Character Changes


  • Seelkadoom

    • Weight adjusted to match Shadow's (so he's a true cosmetic).

  • Wave/Blaze/Rouge

    • Increased Level 3 Shock stun frames from 90 -> 130.

  • Hatsune Miku

    • Decreased Level 3 Flatten stun frames from 180 -> 150.​

    • Level 1 attack now uses the mic and makes her point it at her opponent.

  • Emerl​

    • No longer has his personal bonuses on ring gears. Only All-Rounder's bonuses apply in that scenario.​

    • Can now use Advantage-P.

    • Can now use Gambler.

Gear Changes & Additions

Super Sonic

Developer Comments

As of the current patch, Super Sonic is noted to be one of, if not possibly the strongest gear in the game. The amount he can boost, as well as unmitigated usage of DCO abuse (see Drift Cap Overcharge for more info) allowed him to maintain speeds that were impossible to catch up to in some cases. With that being said, the nerfs to DCO, boost cost and Collision Chaos meter cost will make him less fuel safe by a decent margin. Players will have to be more careful with him on the track to avoid losing resources too fast.

  • Boost Cost 10 rings -> 15 rings. 

  • Drift Cap 260 -> 275.
  • Rail Boosting's initial and continuous meter cost increased heavily.

  • Being attacked depletes 25% of the Collision Chaos meter.

  • Fixed a bug where meter properties for power objects fail after 5 links.

  • Fixed an oversight where Super Sonic lost MI while using blast gauge on hoops when he isn't supposed to while his meter isn't empty.

  • Fixed a bug where if you picked Super Sonic on ANY GEAR that had Trick of Greed, Trick of Greed never actually happened.

Hyper Sonic

Developer Comments

Similar issues to Super Sonic existed with Hyper Sonic. Further changes to Hyper Sonic may come in the future, but the nerfs below should keep him in check for now.

  • Weight increased to 1.2. 

  • Boost speed reduced: 300 -> 295.
  • Drift Cap increased: 260 -> 275.
  • Hyperdrive duration reduced: 9 seconds -> 7 seconds.
  • Tricks can now refill the gauge while in Hyperdrive.
  • Fixed the Hyperstream timer for Power objects not setting properly. It used to set when the Power object link timer was done instead of the instant after the Power object was hit.
  • Fixed boost speed resetting to 300 after boosting right before the end of Hyperdrive.
  • Fixed a bug where meter properties for Power objects fail after 5 links.

Super Shadow

Developer Comments

Super Shadow was lacking in active gameplay, as his gameplay loop involved farming rings for a single, short lived boost. Now serving as a more costly Super Sonic counterpart with similarities to G.U.N gear, he now weaponizes ring drain to his advantage to unleash an extremely aggressive boost to close distance or create more burst speed. Plan your routing accordingly to fill the meter at the right time, then blast off.

  • Blast Gauge ("Inhibitor Rings Off!")

    • Gauge fills during main player interactions that cost rings (boost, drift, Tornado hitting opponent, passive ring drain).​

    • Chaos Blast - When the meter is full, he gains a 10 ring refund and a 300 speed, 60 frame high boost becomes available.

    • This boost can be controlled for 7 rings a second. Once the boost is initiated, the whole meter drains and you must build back up to it again.

    • Has a regular boost speed of 275 with 20 ring cost and default duration

Super Tails

Developer Comments

Super Tails has been retooled to allow more interesting usage between his forms, reward smart magnet usage, and add decision making that can create different play-styles between players. Chaining together all of his abilities is where he shines on the track.

Basic Changes

  • Fixed a bug where normal state has very little Tornado cost before you've transformed for the first time.

  • Super State top speed increased: 215 -> 220.

  • Now holds 100 rings, which fixes a bug that caused all ring gear abilities to be worth double (air boxes worth 10 rings, Trick of Greed worth 6 rings, rail/hoop dash costs doubled etc.).

  • Fixed a bug where after transforming once, had 0 drift dash speed for the rest of the race.

  • Fixed an oversight where he was Omnitype until the magnet spawned off the starting line.

  • Lowered boost cost: 25 air -> 20 air.

  • Removed transformation lockout after using the X button.



  • Starts race with regular magnet (15 seconds).

  • The X button has different behaviours in base form and in super state based on certain conditions.

  • When using the X button in base form:

    • If he has under 50 rings when pressing the X button and has at least 10 rings, he can call a magnet for 15 seconds.​

    • When he has at least 50 rings and presses X, he transforms into his super state.

  • In super state: your air bar is used as a timer and ticks upwards, with the starting amount as the air you had in base form before transforming.​

  • When using the X button in super form:

    • If you have under 50% gauge, you will detransform and use whatever amount of meter you have as your new air value.

    • If you have above 50% gauge, you will detransform and initiate Tailwind. This is a new mechanic that creates the "glue" to chain his states together.

  • New ​Mechanic -> Tailwind

    • Tailwind is a temporary supercruise state. The length of time that this state lasts is determined by how much meter you have above the 50% mark in super state when detransforming. This state has the following:​

      • Berserker effect (Attack veil + counterattack).​

      • 245 cruise speed.

      • 250 boost speed.

    • This lasts about 7 seconds at max meter when detransforming.​

    • Tailwind can be cancelled into magnet when under 50 rings.

    • Tailwind can be cancelled into super state when you have at least 50 rings.


(Dev Excerpt: By chaining all of these together, Super Tails mixes cruising, boosting, combat and ring collection together. It's up to the player to choose the right abilities to seal their victory.​​)

Super Knuckles

  • Passive drain increase: 0.54 rings/sec -> 0.9 rings/sec.

  • Super Knuckles no longer has +10 Power object speed.

Dual-Type Gear Changes

Developer Comments

The Dual-Type gears have lacked a solid use case due to multiple other type-granting gears simply having better stats or shortcut usage. Now, each Dual-Type gear have been granted statistical buffs to put them on par with the rest of the cast, with each gear focusing in one area specifically to diversify them a bit more.


Grinder's statistical buffs focuses on drifting, effectively making it a drifting gear.

  • +15 drift cap added for higher maximum drift dash speeds.

  • Drift dash frames reduced from 60 -> 50 for faster drift dashes.

  • Low acceleration from vanilla removed.

  • 200/230/250 boost speed.


Since Fly hoops calculate speed based on gear top speed, Access has gotten an incredibly high cruising speed buff to compensate. This should not only make the Fly hoop speeds quite fast, but also help it keep better pace on the ground than before.

  • Top speed buffed from 152 to 175.

  • 200/230/250 boost speed.


Destroyer was one of the better type-granting gears already, so it gains some statistical buffs to improve its general sluggishness a bit more. The weight was also reduced, as the low acceleration stacked and caused it to basically come to a halt in some cases.

  • Boost speed buffed from 197/227/247 -> 202/232/252.

  • Weight returns to 0.45, up from PTR's 0.3.

  • Speed loss on offroad decreased slightly.


Omnipotence's usefulness was greatly affected by other Omnitype gears just performing better statistically and with shortcuts. To encourage using different types of shortcuts, a new system for Omnipotence has been created to make varying your shortcut usage beneficial in reaching faster times. 
- Note: E10G cannot make use of this new mechanic. Only typed characters can.

  • New Mechanic -> Type-Chain

    • Whenever Omnipotence takes a shortcut, it records the last shortcut type taken once the shortcut is done. (Speed is recorded when you land from a rail, Fly is recorded when you land from a hoop, Power is recorded when the link timer ends).​

    • If the next shortcut type is different than the last taken, the next shortcut is buffed in speed. The last type taken is now denoted by the exhaust trail (Speed = blue, Fly = yellow, Power = red).

    • If the next shortcut is Speed/Fly and the last shortcut type is different than what's being currently taken, you gain +8.5% shortcut speed.

    • If the next shortcut is power and you've taken a different shortcut type last shortcut, you gain +7 power object speed.

    • If you're taking your character's natural shortcut type (i.e. Sonic is speed and he takes a Speed rail), shortcut speed is reduced by -5% naturally instead of -7.5%.

  • 197/227/247 boost speed.


Developer Comments

There was a beloved version of Gambler back in 1.3 that focused around it's ring usage and it's high costs. With some refinements to the concepts it brought to the table, this upgraded version of 1.3 Gambler is ready to rip it up on the track, being armed with all ring gear abilities as an air gear. It still retains the property of having all boxes be random boxes however, so this gear smiles upon the lucky to pull through.

  • Now a typed gear. No longer changes/has no types. E10G has no differences to other characters in terms of how typing works now.

  • Gains Sticky Fingers: +5 rings per hit.

  • Gains Trick Payout: +1 ring per trick performed.

  • Gains Trick of Greed: -5 rings per S rank.

  • New Mechanic -> All In

    • When you boost above 90 rings, the boost speed increases to the amount you had above 90 for a frame before decelerating to level 4's boost speed (e.g. if you had 100 rings, +10 boost speed is added to level 4's boost speed for a frame). This consumes 10 rings per boost.​


  • Boost Archetype support - loses bonus boost speed, gains +40 boost duration instead of +20.


Developer Comments

To equalize Omnipotence and Cover-S's existence and not have one be better than the other, some adjustments were made to numbers. Think of Cover-S as a more committal omnipotence, where Omnipotence has more utility and freedom in consistent routing but Cover-S can have greater rewards if you plan type-switches.


  • Non-natural shortcut speed bonuses increased.

    • Old: 8.5% for Speed/Fly and +10 speed for Power objects.

    • New: +11.5% for Speed/Fly, +11.5 speed for Power objects.

  • Now costs 25 rings to transform, down from 30.​

  • Ring cap lowered to 125 rings, down from 130.

Neo Metal Sonic

Developer Comments

Neo was a gear that could do better than average on almost every stage in the game, not unlike Default. However, the sheer amount of traits he had was concerning due to the fact that he was not a "Jack of all trades, master of none", but he was a master of some of them. To make him more of a master of none and to lower the potency of him without attempting to remove a lot, numbers were tweaked overall to give him more to manage than just focusing on the time trial routing and more on air management.


  • Top speed adjusted

    • Normal form top speed decreased to 190.

    • Super form top speed decreased to 230.

  • Super form boost speed decreased to 245.

  • Increased boost duration: 120 -> 180 frames.

  • Increase boost cost: 20 air -> 27.5 air.

  • Passive air drain increased: 16 air -> 20 air.

  • Fixed a bug where after he transformed, his drift dash speed was 0.

  • Attack range nerfed: 3 for base form, 4 for super form.

  • Neo no longer counterattacks in super form, he simply loses the ability to be attacked when it's active.

  • Delta Stream on Power objects reduced:

    • Old: +3 times link number.

    • New: +2 times link number.​​​


Developer Comments

For a time, the boost control ability on faster seemed good on paper, but with already extreme costs and having to deplete 75% of the tank to even initiate it, boost control was never used and boost archetypes were exclusively used with the gear due to their archetype support's extra boost speed. A refocus of the gear on "double-boosting" will open up more routing for the gear and allow it the burst speed that players were missing out on.

  • Boost Control removed in favour of the ability to boost twice before on an almost empty tank.

  • Boost cost adjusted: 75% of the air tank -> 48.75% of the air tank.

  • Drift dash frames increased from 50 -> 60, meaning longer time to charge drift dashes.

  • Air gain on tricks/shortcuts lowered from 80% to 75%.

  • Boost archetype support removed to decentralize the gear to them.

  • Removed Trickster archetype support.

Blue Star II

Developer Comments

Back in 1.4.2, ADV-F was very similar to BSII in terms of playstyle. Using inspiration from that gear, BCM buffs were applied to give it even more of what this gear prides itself on and to separate it from current patch ADV-F.

  • BCM increased: +7% BCM -> +10% BCM.

  • Top speed buffed: 167 -> 177.


Developer Comments

In the last few patches, while Legend still had decent play on Sand Ruins, it was never a pick for other stages. Using inspiration from the 1.4 iteration of the gear while not hitting absurdity, we're granting some (about 1/5th) of it's decel back. This should carry it through some other stages while not being overbearing on Sand where it's already good.

  • Deceleration increased to -2.5%.

Turbo Star

Developer Comments

A surprise to be sure, but an experimental change is being granted here to see if its possible to buff the early game of the gear to fit the current meta and none of the late game. Try it out and leave opinions!

  • BCM buffs added per level:

    • Level 1: +10% BCM.​

    • Level 2: +5% BCM.

    • Level 3: +2% BCM.

    • Level 4: +0% BCM.

Auto Slider

Developer Comments

When compared with ring gears, the +10 drift cap and 40 drift frames did not match up to them at all, as ring gears inherently gained +10 drift cap anyway. To separate Auto Slider and give it some bonuses over just +10 drift cap, its main focus was buffed to give it some more oomph overall.

  • Drift dash cap doubled to +20.

  • Drift cost slightly increased.

  • ​Boost speed reduced by -5. New boost speeds: 195/225/245.


Developer Comments

Wrapping up a few loose ends with Beginner's costs and speeds is a good push for this gear to function better in netplay. Some of its more extreme attributes for high and low speeds were reigned in.

  • Boost cost threshold requirement for the highest boost speed of each level reduced from 98% to 87.5%.

  • Minimum boost speeds on low air increased to 195/225/245, up from 185/215/235.

Crazy Taxi

Developer Comments

A strong pick on multiple stages, Taxi was unfazed by lack of rings on some of them, even with lower drift gain. However, when it was proved that you could drift dash and boost chain only on this gear, some serious questioning came into being about how Drift Tips worked. With a rework of the mechanic, it should hopefully be a bit harder to operate only by drift dash boost chaining only and put more value on limiter cut, Sticky Fingers, and boost duration.

  • Reworked Drift Tips

    • Instead of gaining rings constantly while drifting, the gear checks how long you've been drifting after reaching max drift charge and grants rings when you drift dash.

    • The longer you've been drifting past max drift charge, the more rings you get when you release to drift dash.

    • Minimum ring gain from drift dash = 1 ring. Maximum gain = 10 rings.

    • Gains a extra ring every 10 frames after charging drift fully and releasing for drift dash. E.g. Drifting for 60 frames grants 1 ring, while drifting for 80 frames grants 3 rings.


Developer Comments

This gear's versatility and history has proven time and time again that it will compete with the best of them with enough practice. The mechanics of the gear are slightly adjusted one more time, but more so the numbers have been for costs and speeds.

  • When you shift up gears while boosting, instead of going to the next boost speed, it has special "Shiftboosting speeds".

    • Shifting from 1->2: 230 -> 240 boost speed.​

    • Shifting from 1->2->3 -> 230 -> 240 -> 245 boost speed.

    • Shifting from 2->3 = 250->255 boost speed.

  • Now can receive random speed shoes instead of replacing them with 10 ring box pickups instead.

  • Note: for the section below, there is no good way to display the values in rings, so they've been converted to air to approximate them.

    • Level 1 stat changes:​

      • Increased drain: 8->10 air.​

      • Increased drift cost: 10->12 air.

      • Increased tornado cost: 4->5 rings.

    • Level 3 stat changes:​

      • Drift cost reduced slightly.​

Light Board

Developer Comments

Some fixes to the decel were made here.

  • Fixed an issue where decel didn't apply in some scenarios.

Power Gear

  • Removed decel while drifting to prevent ludicrous speed gain where unintended.

G.U.N Gear

Developer Comments

QoL buffs added to increase its defensive capabilities.

  • No speed loss on Tornado added.

  • Lowered tornado cost.

  • G.U.N gear regains a previously lost property it had from high booster (affectionately named "Airy Fingers") where it gains half of it's tank back on hit. Remember, AoEs gain less than that on hit with this property.

Speed Balancer

  • Reduced speed gained on wall bonk.

Slide Booster

  • Slide Booster no longer ignores drift cap bonuses for characters that aren't just Emerl.

  • Drift/All-Rounders now have normal drift cap on Slide Booster (250 instead of 240).

  • Lowered the nerfed drift cap overcharge multiplier to 15%.


Developer Comments

A slight buff to the air gain on this gear may help it's inefficiency in some cases.

  • Air gain on tricks increased from 110% -> 115%.


  • Top speed lowered from 210 -> 200.

  • Gains Sticky Fingers: +5 rings per hit.


Developer Comments

The previous longstanding design of Advantage-P had run its course as an extremely strong gear that stripped users of their types but with increased stats. It had a lot of overlap with Hovercraft and ended up being overcentralizing on a few stages as a result. Taking brand new inspiration from a system from another game, Advantage-P returns as a new variation on a performance gear. Its new mechanic allows the player to choose the way they want to play the gear by choosing their "T.O.P." (Tactical Offensive Position) to gain stats when they have a certain amount of air. Change your position around how you play to maintain your stats as much as possible and change the way you utilize your air.

  • Can now be selected in Tag Mode.

  • No longer typeless, now a typed gear.

  • 197/227/247 boost speed.

  • 55% air gain.

  • Boost cost reverted to pre 2.3 values: 22/27/37.

  • New Mechanic -> T.O.P (Tactical Offensive Position).

    • On the startline, you can select a range (position) of the air gauge with the D-Pad.​

      • Left: position 1 (bottom 1/3rd of the air gauge).​

      • Up: position 2 (middle 1/3rd of the air gauge).

      • Right: position 1 (top 1/3rd of the air gauge).

    • When your current air meter is in the range set on the startline, your trail turns red to indicate you are in T.O.P. You are granted +10 boost speed, +60% air gain from tricks and shortcuts, and your passive air drain becomes passive air gain while in T.O.P.​

    • Note: If you do not select a range after crossing the startline, it will pick a random position for you.

Super Hang-On

  • Boost cost increased by 10%.

  • Level 4 passive drain increased 5%.

  • Bonus pit exit speed: +100%.

  • SHO cannot level down. It can lose rings, however if you lose enough to level down, it caps your loss at the minimum needed for that level to be active.

Stage Changes

Night Chase

Developer Comments

Night Chase has been a Power-dominated stage since the beginning of time. With the aim of finding a solution that did not throw off their entire game plan while letting other types thrive and attempting to shake up the meta all at the same time, the car spawn change is possibly the largest change to this stage in the mod's history. Now, all the types can shine while also granting more breathing room to facilitate combat situations to take place. Type counter-picking will drastically alter the playing field now when this stage is picked, so experiment and see what you can try out now.

  • The amount of cop cars that spawn for the stage changes depending on the amount of power types in the game. Note: this amount is determined when the stage is loaded and does not change during gameplay, even with type-switching gears.

    • 0 Power types = no cop cars spawned.​

    • 1 Power type = 7 cop cars spawned.

    • 2 Power types = 14 cop cars spawned.

    • 3 Power types = 21 cop cars spawned.

    • 4 Power types = 28 cop cars spawned.

  • Power object air gain doubled for cop cars.​

  • Final power path air gain increased by 25%.

  • Final speed rail path speed increased to 300.

  • Trick Truck ramp grants Legend effect, as well as the ramp on top of the truck.

Sand Ruins

Developer Comments

The goal here was to improve the Speed and Fly paths. They have been heavily modified to be on par with Power type, making this a more type-friendly stage. Box adjustments have also occurred, lowering the potency of ring gears overall on this stage.

  • First set of rails buffed.

    • First rail: 500 speed.​

    • Second rail: 700 speed.

  • Second set of rails altered.​

    • First rail: 240 speed.​

    • Second rail: 415 speed.

  • Fly hoops on the inside and outside of the cave have been buffed overall, making Fly as viable as the other types.

    • Left path at the start has guaranteed 10 ring boxes.​

    • Fly path speed in the cave section increased by 30%.

  • The pillar that falls over and becomes a ramp now has Legend effect to get to top path easier. Note: you must still hold back to reach the top path.​

  • The row of boxes before the ramp into the cave section have been altered. The new row of boxes (from left to right) are now:

    • 100 air., 50 air, 50 air, 10 rings, 10 rings, 20 rings.

Dark Desert

Developer Comments

Speed was lacking on this stage a little bit. However, increasing rail speed to be equal to the other paths would make Speed the easiest pick. We've thus increased it just enough to be on par with a little work involved. Post-QTE especially is much better off than before with the higher speed, giving purpose to the post-QTE rail.

  • Rail speed in the cave section increased to 280.

  • Rail speed post-QTE increased to 340.

  • Post-QTE rail has increased fast fall speed.

Sky Road

  • Nerfed Fly hoop speeds to pre-2.1.5 speeds.

  • Final rail speed increased from 405 -> 460.

Digital Dimension

Developer Comments

A small buff to fly was granted in the heaven section as a start.

  • Heaven's Fly path increased in speed by +50%.

Sega Carnival

Developer Comments

With a goal of making this stage more neutral, the final needed change was speed types post QTE. The new rails post QTE allow speed to make a choice of air and safety or rings now. However, the air gain is low to compensate due to being post QTE. Try new routings with speed here!

  • New speed rails added. Post QTE, the edges of the net are now speed rails you can latch onto. 270 speed, low air gain.

  • Sega Carnival's ring-granting trick hoops can be jumped through to receive the bonus.

  • Separated the middle pins and spread the outer pins out more after the QTE.

  • Reduced the number of crates near the Crazy Taxi section by 3.

  • Reduced the range of the final bottom path Power crates so that you must be on the grass in order to hit them (reduced by 10%).

Sega Illusion

Developer Comments

A small buff for speed was granted for the post QTE speed rails to put them on par with the rest of the types.

  • Post QTE rail speed increased: 300 -> 320.

Patch Notes by KC & Protag

Artwork by JR

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