Sonic Riders TE 1.2 Patch Notes

Game loads straight to main menu (pressing B in the Main Menu will bring you back to the title).
Main Menu now loads with a random color instead of always blue.
Everything is unlocked, including Mission Mode.
Over 100 added music tracks. Music is from various games in the Sonic series as well as many other Sega franchises.
Removal of pre-rendered cutscenes and in-engine cutscenes (This was required to make space for the music).
Various balance changes (See the full list of current patch notes in the "Resources" section).
Duplicate character selection (Multiple players can choose the same character).
QTEs or "Quick Time Events" automatically spin. Most of them will replenish your entire air gauge.
Tornados have a cooldown after passing certain sections of tracks such a QTEs.
Removal of 100 Ring Box and MAX Air Box due to their anti-competitive nature.
Ball & Chain item now gives a 30 Air Box instead.
Speed shoes now temporarily add 100 speed instead of setting speed to 200.
Players now lose 25% of their rings when attacked and pick up a percentage of rings lost instead of losing all their rings.
Non-attacking and non-boosting gears can be used on Babylon Guardian. The lap counter automatically increments on Babylon Guardian as well.
Motion blur is removed, making the game look a lot cleaner and easier to see one's surroundings.
Item boxes respawn almost instantly.
Dash panels give additive amounts of speed instead of setting your speed.
The speed cap of the game has been removed from lvl 2 & 3. This allows you to make use of many advanced techniques throughout the entirety of a race.
Dying does not reset your rings nor your level.
Turbulence has been buffed to not detriment the players behind.
There is a new comeback mechanic call slipstream. Slipstream is an invisible cone that grows out of the back of player characters. It will increase your speed the longer you are under the effects of it.
Players can hold the Z button to become immune to Turbulence & pits. The Y button toggles the immunity by turning your exhaust trail purple.
The exhaust trail for your extreme gear will become light blue when a drift dash is ready.
Jumping off a grind rail no longer cuts your speed in half, but you can hold Z when jumping to use the old jump.
Tornadoes cannot be performed for 40 frames after exiting an auto section.
Character Changes
Gear Changes
Default Gear (Blue Star, Type-J, etc.)
Top Speed increased to 192.
Acceleration increased.
Immune to icy terrain and charging a jump doesn't reduce cruising speed.
High Booster
Drift cost reduced by to 156 level 1, 235 level 2, and 313 level 3 (from 166 level 1, 250 level 2, and 333 level 3).
Auto Slider
Drifting radius reduced (Increased compared to patch 1.1).
Boost cost reduced to 35000 level 2 and 45000 level 3 (from 40000 level 2 and 50000 level 3).
Powerful Gear
Top Speed increased to 182.
Acceleration increased.
(Gear already is immune to icy terrain and does not lose speed going uphill.)
Top Speed increased to 204 (was previously 212 in patch 1.1, but characters granting additional top speed compensates for this change).
Passive air drain increased to 50 level 1, 65 level 2, and 80 level 3 (compared to 40 level 1, 50 level 2, and 60 level 3 in patch 1.1).
Turbo Star
Cannot be played on Tails, NiGHTS, and Storm.
Top Speed increased to 252.
Acceleration dramatically decreased.
Uses rings for air, loses no speed moving uphill, loses no cruising speed charging a jump, cannot use pits, and starts the race with 50 rings.
Drift cost reduced. Boost cost reduced to 0. Tornado cost changed to 10 rings. Speed gained from a drift dash reduced to 30 (still capped at 250). Boost speed reduced to 185.
Speed Balancer
Top Speed increased to 190.
Boost speed increased by 5 at every level (205 level 1, 235 level 2, 255 level 3).
All negative turning stats reduced by half.
Blue Star II
Boost duration increased by 0.5 seconds level 3.
Top Speed reduced to 150.
Acceleration reduced.
Air gained from shortcuts increased to 100% (from 50%).
Boost speed at every level increased to normal values (200 level 1, 230 level 2, and 250 level 3).
Top Speed increased to 192.
Uses rings for air, starts with 50 rings, cannot attack, and cannot use pits.
Boost speed increased to 575.
Boost cost increased to 90 rings.
Passive ring lost removed, and instead passively gains rings.
Tornado cost increased to 20 rings.
Speed gained from a drift dash increased to 80.
Air tank size and drift cost adjusted.
Trap Gear
Tornado boost speed increased to 200 level 1, 220 level 2, and 240 level 3 (was 205 level 1 in patch 1.1, level 2 and 3 are the same).
Slide Booster
Acceleration increased.
Frames to generate a drift dash reduced to 7 (from 8).
Air gain from tricks increased to 125% (was 120% in patch 1.1, was 0% in vanilla).
Charging a jump reduces cruising speed (removed, was originally added in patch 1.1).
Magic Carpet
Can be picked on Tails, Wave, Cream, Rouge, and NiGHTS.
No longer grants Fly type.
Frames to generate a drift dash reduced to 45.
Always on icy terrain, always in attacking stance, tricks are automatically fully charged, boost speed is converted into top speed until interrupted, charging a jump does not reduce cruising speed, loses no speed moving uphill, tornadoes grant a 0 duration boost, and loses no speed while turning.
Boost cost reduced to normal values (25000 level 1, 30000 level 2, and 40000 level 3).
Tornado cost reduced to normal values (25000 level 1, 30000 level 2, and 40000 level 3).
Air Broom
Can be picked on Sonic, Jet, Amy, Shadow, Ulala, and E10000R.
No longer grants Speed type.
Top speed increased to 172.
Air gain from shortcuts increased to 100%.
Tornadoes grant a 0 duration boost.
Tornado cost reduced to 20% less than boost cost.
Boost speed increased to 205 level 1.
Boost cost reduced to 25000 level 1, 30000 level 2, and 40000 level 3.
[NEW] Top Speed increased to 192.
[NEW] Acceleration increased.
Chaos Emerald [NEW]
Top Speed increased to 222.
Acceleration increased.
Boost cost increased to 50 rings.
Boost speed increased to 400.
Tornado cost reduced to 5 rings.
Charging a jump halts ring drain.
Passive ring drain reduced. Drift cost reduced.
Top Speed increased to 195.
Acceleration increased.
Air gain from shortcuts increased to 100%.
Boost speed increased to 230 level 1, 240 level 2 (still 250 level 3).
Boost cost increased to 50% of max air level 1, 46.7% of max air level 2, and 42.5% of max air level 3.
Acceleration increased.
Can use type shortcuts.
Air drain set to 16 level 1; set to 0 levels 2 and 3.
Air cost multiplier while charging a jump increased to 200 (cannot charge a jump level 1).
Boost speed increased to 190 level 1, 220 level 2, and 275 level 3.
Opa Opa
Boost duration is always 1 second, regardless of character or level.
Boost speed increased to 235 level 1, 265 level 2, and 290 level 3.
Boost cost reduced to 40000 level 2 and 50000 level 3.
The Crazy
Top Speed increased to 192.
Acceleration increased.
Frames to generate a drift dash increased to 75.
Cannot attack.
Boost cost set to 33 rings.
Tornado cost set to 10 rings.
Boost speed increased to 390.
Passive ring loss and drift cost removed.
Air tank size adjusted.
Top Speed increased to 182.
Acceleration increased.
Able to use pits.
Air gain from tricks, shortcuts, and QTEs increased to 100%.
Boost speed increased to normal values (200 level 1, 230 level 2, and 250 level 3).
Air gain from shortcuts reduced to 100% (from 120% in patch 1.1).
Boost cost reduced to 35000 level 1, 55000 level 2, and 75000 level 3 (from 40000 level 1, 60000 level 2, and 80000 level 3.)
Tornado cost reduced to 35000 level 1, 40000 level 2, and 50000 level 3.
Drift cost reduced to 166 level 1, 250 level 2, and 333 level 3 (from 250 level 1, 333 level 2, and 416 level 3).
Top Speed increased to 155 (reduced compared to 165 in patch 1.1).
Drift cost reduced to 166 level 1, 250 level 2, and 333 level 3 (from 216 level 1, 300 level 2, and 383 level 3).
Air gain from shortcuts increased to 60% (compared to 50% in patch 1.1 and 0% in vanilla).
Top Speed increased to 192.
Acceleration increased.
Uses rings for air, starts with 30 rings, and cannot use pits.
Charging a jump halts passive ring loss.
Boost cost set to 10 rings.
Tornado cost set to 5 rings.
Drift boost set to 100.
Boost speed set to 250.
Gains all type shortcuts.
Air tank size, passive ring loss, and drift cost adjusted.
Super Hang-On
Top Speed increased to 172.
Acceleration increased.
Air gain from tricks, shortcuts, and QTEs reduced to 0%. (You're supposed to gain air by using pits.)
Charging a jump does not reduce cruising speed.
Max air reduced to increase the fill rate of air from a pit.
Passive air drain reduced to 0 at every level.
Drift cost reduced.
Boost and tornado cost set too 15% of max air level 1, 21.4% of max air level 2, and 27.1% of max air level 3.
Air gain from shortcuts increased to 100% (from 50%).
Top Speed increased to 189.
Acceleration increased.
Cannot use type shortcuts, charging a jump does not reduce cruising speed.
Boost speed increased to 210 level 1, 240 level 2, and 260 level 3.
Boost cost reduced by 6.25% at every level.
Drift cost reduced by 12.5% at every level.
Top speed increased to 177.
Acceleration increased.
Greatly increased turning.
Air gain from tricks, shortcuts, and QTEs increased to 100%.
Boost cost increased to 25000 level 1, 35000 level 2, and 40000 level 3 (normal boost costs).
Boost speed increased to 200 level 1, 230 level 2, and 250 level 3 (normal boost speeds).
Can attack and loses no speed while turning.

Speed Type General Change
All Speed types now gain additional Top Speed at level 2, unlike other types.
Late Boost Duration Characters
Sonic, Wave, and Aiai
Grants 1 additional second of boost duration at levels 2 and 3.
Early Boost Duration Characters
Shadow, Cream, and Knuckles
Grants 1 additional second of boost duration levels 1 and 2.
Top Speed Characters with some Late Boost Duration
Jet, NiGHTS, and Storm
Grants 0.5 additional seconds of boost duration level 2 and 3.
Grants +12 Top Speed (minus speed reduction based on their type).
Top Speed Characters with some Early Boost Duration
Ulala, Tails, and Eggman
Grants 0.5 additional seconds of boost duration level 1 and 2.
Grants +12 Top Speed (minus speed reduction based on their type).
Middle Boost Duration Characters
Amy, Rouge, and E10000R
Grants 0.67 additional seconds of boost duration at every level.
E10000R is now Power Type to match his internal typing.
E10000G has its type removed (its internal type is Speed).
Grants +20 Top Speed.
Grants 1 additional second of boost duration at every level.
Sonic Riders TE 1.2.1 Patch Notes